
Not so long ago, ie Thursday of last week, the priest I have been leveling for the better part of six months finally hit 70. She did so ~30 min before our weekly raid. I was excited. I had been making her gear, and gathering mats for it since she was about level 30, and I asked for a raid invite. Much to my surprise I actually received one, and I happily trotted off to TK, where we were working on Al’ar, with my shiny new purples, only to get heckled from every side about the few greens I had. Despite this, I still kept up on the damage meters. I wasn’t topping them or anything, but I wouldn’t expect me too. Even if I had been in full T5 I still would have gotten hassle.

But then it doesn’t even matter. As yet again I have leveled a character in order to fill a role the guild needed, only to find that character unwanted. As such, I removed her from the guild to save people from the apparent anguish her presence has caused them. Yes, I am miffed. Giving me hassle because I wanted to have a little fun that would not in any way hurt the guild, on a fight that though we had never completed before, we already proved we outgeared? My heart weeps for your loss. Most of the people who have complained have never lifted a finger to help the guild outside actually showing up to raids. But I digress, it is over and done with, and another piece of me is effectively crushed due to jealously and anger.