New items

I did indeed get the [Rift Stalker Hauberk] the other night when we downed Kael. First time it’s dropped, and it only cost me about 16k…which is actually a lot, but since I had about 53k, it didn’t seem like much in comparison. I also got [Rift Stalker Mantle] and [Netherbane] both for much less than I was expecting. Now, Nabith really doesn’t need anything else from Tempest Keep at all, so next time we go there, depending on class composition, I might ask to bring Near to get her vial.

Saturday was another run through ZA on Nabith. [Dagger of Bad Mojo] dropped, but I insisted Therk roll on it too, and he ended up winning it. Still no trinket.

Sunday the session unfortunately didn’t happen. (I was going to get my Pegasus too…) so SD and had lunch and went shopping. When I logged onto WoW, they had not done the ZA run Therk had scheduled. They were looking for a priest for Hex Lord, but needed a healer, so I respecced holy and jumped in with my little 1200 + healing. Unfortunately Drego disconnected as soon as we started, and Lesia and I were unable to keep up the raid as only two healers. We ended up only getting the first chest, but eventually worked our way through the rest of the bosses (with a huge burp on Hex Lord, during which I specced back to shadow). I ended up taking three new healing pieces home, nullifying the money I had spent just earlier that day to boost my healing. Still a little bitter about that, but life does go on.

[Brooch of Nature’s Mercy]
[Hood of the Third Eye]
[Two-toed Sandals]