The Wildroses are in Bloom

It’s that time of year when the wildroses around the farm come into bloom and the gentle smell permeates the air. And they always make me think of my Wildrose.

Wildrose © Laura Highcove

Like Tabitha I had a commission of Wildrose done as well. He is a wizard who was raised by gryffins, and he is part of the most effective Storyteller team the Guild has.

Wildrose © Laura Highcove

If you want to know more about Wildrose, you can click here
to get the first chapter of The Storyteller and meet him for yourself.

If you want more information on the artist, you can find it here.

Character Art

So I’m not to the point of having fan art, since not much of my stuff has been out there in the world. However, I have commissioned pictures of different characters over time. Some of those characters are from stories that have become trunk novels, but the pictures are still nice. These are the ones just from the stories I mentioned in my first post.

This is Silverfire and her otp Redstone. My naming conventions were not quite as developed back then, but Silverfire was the first original character I ever came up with. art by Ajinryu

Shani is from ‘The Colors Of’ which started out as a pokemon fan fic. She actually has silver hair that she dyes black to hide it. art by Sarah Ellerton.

The three main characters from Shifting Winds. Angelica is the princess. Dylan is the demon who captures her, and Rusty is Dylan’s servant/apprentice. (I never finished coloring Rusty.)
art by Ajinryu

Commission of Tabitha

This is a picture I had commissioned of Tabitha from my novel, The Storyteller. I love it tons. Not really much else to say about it. A picture is worth a thousand words after all.

Tabitha © Laura Highcove

If you want more information on Tabitha,
you can click here to get the first chapter of her story.

If you want more information on the artist, you can find it here.