And back

So I did a lot of work in the weeks I was gone. Two new books on writing and characters sent me into detail mania, but not on Silent Wings, but another story that I had been thinking a lot about called Candidate.

I fleshed out all of the main characters, figured out more backstory that gave more solid motivations, actually planned out the plot (!!! i no rite?) and I started writing again.

The other thing that I did was one of the main issues I had with posting things on this site, and that was my opinion that everything had to be perfect when I put it up here. Well I don’t ever think anything is perfect, and if I kept trying to do this I would simply drive myself mad.

I have to remember that this site exists for me and not you. As much as I love feedback and people reading my stories, this site exists to help me as a writer.

Therefore expecting what I post here to be publishable quality is hogswash. Therefore the new banner I’m working on clearly displays that this is a First Draft.

Now that doesn’t mean what I post will be trash. I will check my spelling and my grammar. I have the characters planned along with the plot (In 10 easy steps!) but at the same time I’m not going to slave over getting the dialogue exactly right. I might gloss over some descriptions, I might leave details to be added later, that sort of thing.

Pretty much it will be like I have been writing, only I’m clearly saying that I know it’s not perfect and I’m okay with that.

That being said, I’ll be posting the first section tomorrow.  I will then be updating with one section every week on Tuesday, (WoW is down for matienance, so I figure it’s the best day to update.) with some things like character bios and world details thrown in on off-days if I’m so inclined.

And now that I’ve probably scared away anyone who bothered to visit this site in the first place…I have writing to do.