
In the last wordpress upgrade, they changed the entire layout of the admin pages, something they seem fond of doing every now and again. As such the link to my pending comments…well it just was out of the way. So there were tons of comments that were not approved until now. I appreciate all such comments (even ones pointing out my mistakes), and I’m sorry for the delay in their being shown.

That being said, I’m also sorry about the delay for this post. I know I said last Monday, but I didn’t have internet back until this past Thursday and even then everything was still pretty untidy. But here’s the next section. Hope you enjoy.

Moving day!

While I meant for this space to be used as notes for the story, my moving is intruppting updates, so I’m putting it here. The move is this weekend and I’m not finished packing, so I’m just going to take this week and next week off for a reasonable buffer. I’ll post again on March 2nd.

Dregin Track

Enjoy the quick updates. I already have most of this written, so it just needs tweaks and grammar check to be ready.

I had a lot more description of Dregin Track planned out, but it seemed too much like just an info dump, so it got left out. As for Dregin himself, he is a self-made millionaire. He started out with nothing, as a mercenary. He broke into gambling as a bookie for some of the other smaller tracks around the planet and eventually learned enough to open his own track. While the others kept their tracks in the slums to keep the EP from interfering, Dregin welcomed the GP, using them as his track’s guard until he was able to form one of his own. The EP presence kept the other track owners from being able to do much more than a bit of vandalism and throwing out death threats. And while everyone on the planet knows Dregin’s track isn’t exactly following the letter of the law, the EP have still found, or at least reported, no evidence that can shut him down.

New characters!

The beginning of stories always has lots of new characters. Ashley, however, gave me a lot of trouble in her development. You’ll find out more about her and Rayne in the next chapter, but while I was writing her, her personality never wanted to settle the way most of my characters’ do. As such I had to rewrite her a bunch of times. I’m pretty happy with how she is now, so we’ll see if she behaves herself through the rest of the story.


This section is smaller than I thought, but that’s really all I needed to get done in this scene.  I’m not really any good at dragging things on just to drag them on. Don’t worry, they’ll be lots of fun in the next part.

Ooo plot!

I know this is a little delayed. I need to stop giving excuses and just post like I told myself I would.

Anyway, here’s another main character, Ben. He’s a bit of a goofball, but you learn to love him. I’m debating whether I should put minor characters on the character page as well. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which minor chars are important enough without putting the entire cast up.

Either way, Dakota’s up there now. Not like it’s a spoiler. No one has bright orange hair and then is expected to drop into obscurity.

And it begins

Emergency downtime on WoW means site update today!

The site looks pretty nice…at least I’m proud of it. There are still a few tweaks I need to do reguarding links, but you shouldn’t really notice much of a change. I’m just horrible at getting all the little things done.

Anyway, not much has happened in the story yet so I can’t really comment on it without spoilers. So enjoy.

New story!?

Back when I talked about nanowrimo, I mentioned I would be working on Silent Wings, my sci-fi story. Nanowrimo failed due to the release of Lich King, but I have still decided that it will be the next story I post here. I’ve also been working on a new site design for the new story. That’s ready as far as I can tell so I should be posting sometime in the coming week.

And no, it just happened that my previous story was Shifting Winds and my next is Silent Wings. Expect error titles such as Shifting Wings and Silent Winds. Either way, I hope you stop by to see the new story.