Dregin Track

Enjoy the quick updates. I already have most of this written, so it just needs tweaks and grammar check to be ready.

I had a lot more description of Dregin Track planned out, but it seemed too much like just an info dump, so it got left out. As for Dregin himself, he is a self-made millionaire. He started out with nothing, as a mercenary. He broke into gambling as a bookie for some of the other smaller tracks around the planet and eventually learned enough to open his own track. While the others kept their tracks in the slums to keep the EP from interfering, Dregin welcomed the GP, using them as his track’s guard until he was able to form one of his own. The EP presence kept the other track owners from being able to do much more than a bit of vandalism and throwing out death threats. And while everyone on the planet knows Dregin’s track isn’t exactly following the letter of the law, the EP have still found, or at least reported, no evidence that can shut him down.