Chapter 4.2

“Isn’t he great?” Kyanosa grinned.

“That was amazing.” Kaye said.

“She wasn’t that tough.” Canopus shrugged. “Didn’t take long to see through her style.”

Dirk glared at Canopus. Though he didn’t consider it a real magical ability, Dirk had the uncanny power to make people know he was glaring even through the sunglasses. “You’re not saving your abilities for later matches.”

Canopus returned to his usual stance, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. “Yeah, how about that.”

No one in the group’s name showed up over the next several battles, so they fell to talking, only looking up when Canopus found something interesting enough to mention it out loud.

One such occasion came at the start of battle twelve.

“It’s a dragon.” Canopus stated.

The others look toward the field to see a 9-foot tall green and yellow dragon climbing up onto the arena. The human boy who was also in the battle was visibly shaken.

“That’s not one of the Nine is it?” Canopus turned to ask Dirk.

“No, they don’t participate, only judge. Plus they usually stay in the human form more often than not,” Dirk replied. “I guess that’s just a dragon that caught one of the nine’s eye, and so he was invited.”

The dragon won in short order, and the boy was carried carefully away by the healers.

“And the next fight is between Quartz Helmende and Munashii,” David called out to the crowd.

“Did he say Munashii?” Kaye asked.

Canopus nodded, his sight still fixed on the arena. “Why?”

“Oh, just an interesting name,” she replied.

Canopus cast a glance at her before watching the next two participants walk up the steps to the arena.

Quartz was an attractive female with long braided orange hair. Her skin was a dark gray accented by an assortment of purple tattoos. She was wearing a deep red kimono, which cut off at the knees and a pair of brown pants, with sturdy looking sandals. She pulled out a pair of sai and twirled them around quickly.

Her opponent, Munashii, was extremely tall and well toned, though not overly muscular. He had loose dark gray pants, similar colored boots, and a tight light gray shirt. His silver hair was cut short to stay out of his eyes.

Munashii turned to the crowd and waved, which granted him a swooning cheer from many of the females in the crowd.

“Well, now listen to that crowd cheer,” David said. “Sounds like someone already has a fanbase. Make sure you still fight to your fullest.” He smiled to Quartz. “And fight!”

Munashii flashed a winning smile at Quartz, before taking up a fighting stance. Canopus measured it immediately. He was impressed with what he saw. Quartz shifted her grip on her sai, seeming to study Munashii as well.

She darted forward, slicing her sai at Munashii across the front of her body. The silver haired man dodged easily to the side. Canopus was sure she hadn’t even really been trying to hit him, and his hunch was proved correct in the next instant as Quartz faded completely from view.

Munashii spun around, his eyes searching the full area of the arena. Canopus picked up his head off his hands. Invisibility? He wondered to himself.

There was suddenly a flash of light, as a sai appeared for second, slashing the back of Munashii’s shoulder, before disappearing again.

Munashii spun around in a roundhouse kick, sweeping the air in front of him, hoping to come in contact with Quartz. There was another flash of the metal weapons, splashing blood as it cut into Munashii’s other shoulder.

Canopus was sure either of those two attacks could have been lethal had there not been a rule against killing. Quartz was going to try and wear Munashii down, taking little bits at a time while staying hidden, and then push him out of the arena when he was weakened. It was a good plan, Canopus decided, except for the fact that Munashii refused to go along with it.

In a burst of speed the silver haired man dashed across the arena, turned sharply, and flipped backward. Quartz became visible for a brief second before fading from view again. Munashii didn’t pause, but darted all over the arena, making seemingly random turns and flips. Each time Nyroth would appear for a second, and then disappear again.

Canopus was deep in thought. It couldn’t be a normal invisibility ability if she kept becoming visible when Munashii took sharp turns.
Muanshii slid to a stop, and spun on his heel, reaching out, his hands closed around something and he rolled back. Quartz became visible about halfway over Munashii’s head and he slammed her into the ground.

He rolled to his feet and reached down for the stunned Quartz’s arms, but she lanced out with her sai, catching the man across his cheek. He didn’t flinch, but grabbed her wrists in a crushing grip. Quartz’s sai fell from her hands, and Munashii pulled her to her feet.

Canopus was on the edge of his seat as Munashii spun around in a circle, still holding on to Quartz’s wrists. He then released her arms, and the sheol, completely off balance, flew back and off the edge of the arena.

“Arena out! Munashii wins!” David cried, jumping back onto the arena, just as Munashii jumped down next to where Quartz lay on her back, completely winded. He offered his hand to her, pulling her to her feet.

“Very nice fight.” He pulled her to her feet and kissed the back of her hand.