Character: Amebil

Amebil: Level 66 Human Warlock (9/43/5)

Name origin/meaning: Ebil is a ‘cute’ evil. As such she is ebil: Amebil.

Reason created: Two reasons. First off, the guild had no warlocks when started leveling her. Rosalind was the only warlock we had that raided, and the idea of more than one soulstone was a novelty concept. Secondly I wanted a character with alchemy. Mongoose elixirs were expensive as crap back then. I planned to get her to whatever level was required for level 300 alchemy, and just use her for that.

Key moments:
Accidentally killing the chicken in Westfall when trying to feed it.
Taking down four mobs two levels higher than I at once, which made me realize the warlock class rocked.
Deciding to level with my brother’s mage.
Getting my succubus.
Getting [Elixir of Dream Vision] for 40g.
Getting my t2 helm her first and only time in Onyxia.
Deciding I didn’t like raiding with her.

Like I said above, I created her for alchemy and ended up loving her so much she was my second character to hit 60. Her personality was one such that she wanted to be evil (as warlocks should be), but could never quite manage it, as she always kept helping people. She also got the mechanical chicken, and keeps it in regret of the chicken she killed trying to feed it back in Westfall. Never did end up getting that chicken pet on any character…

Working on getting her to level 68 at some point to be elixir master. (She already knows Pure Death and Relentless Assault.) She’s really easy to level; I’m just pretty burned out on leveling in general. I recently dropped herbalism in order to level skinning after Near became a jewelcrafter.

Say no to DWUGS: Once again my first screenshot is one I took because of something amusing. Wonder what level she was…
Bats kick butt: Getting run through Stockades by Easterber with my brother. It was Halloween, so I was having fun with a bat costume.
Mechanical Chicken: I take screenshots of the mini pets I get. This was when I first got this chicken.
Stupid Weed: So yeah…BC was coming and they changed the Dark Portal’s landscape a bit.