Christmas is Imminent

I find myself with a sudden influx of time before the holiday, which is quite nice. Mostly because I still have woodworking projects to do for Christmas presents, and doing woodworking is hard when you have to go outside and it’s only 30 degrees. But, this also means I ended up with some extra time for getting through my BotN list. Again, I keep being surprised with how …together/neat, the end already is. I suppose part of it is the stories I’ve worked on most recently are the end of my Storyteller series where I had three and then like nine povs, and that tends to make things rather …complex. The end of the first book of the Storyteller was rather neat and only had one pov. This book has two, and really by the end has really drifted back to just one. Just an interesting thing to notice.

Plans for the coming week include Christmas, with a healthy dose of travel, and woodworking. If I have time I’ll get to some writing, but truthfully, I’m not going to push it. Honor your reality. At least out the window it looks like it’s shaping up to be a nice day, even if this weekend is going to be horrendously cold.

I wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday for whichever holiday you celebrate (or don’t). And in general, I hope you have a good time with family and/or friends. I’ll see you in the new year.