Feeling Guilty

So this past week I was on vacation. I decided that I was not going to restrict the activities I would have time to do by scheduling more writing time than normal. Instead I gave myself a flat hour of writing per day on my current wip. I then found that with my extra time, I wanted to work on another story that has been poking around in my head for a while.

I still got a good amount done, but was glad I didn’t end up making my vacation feel like a job. Vacations are for relaxing and riding roller coasters.

I am now working my way through the ending of the story. I have an outline for it and am now just writing it out. I am, however, reminded of how poor I am at writing fight scenes. They usually end up no more creative than: “He swung his sword in a wide arch and his opponent blocked it.” unless I get my husband’s help.

I feel guilty sometimes in getting help with my writing. I’m not talking about the overall skills, or getting feedback from critique partners, but when I need help with specifics in the actual story itself. Such as when I (always) need help from my husband for fight scenes, or when I run into a plot hole that I just can’t fill and get suggestions from him. I mean I know I can’t do everything myself, but I always feel like I should be able to. I mean don’t ‘real’ authors just write rough drafts and then have critique groups and/or editors that help them tweak?

Anyone else out there feel guilty asking for help with things (anything, not just writing) that you feel like you should be doing on your own?