Horsemanship: Practice

Still having problems with Maggie just being ahead of me when I stop. She’s been doing pretty well stopping exactly when I do, but I’m still ending up behind her neck. It’s frustrating me, so today I did some laps without a horse seeing if I could figure out why I kept ending up behind. I didn’t come up with much.

In a month Carol (I realize now I never asked for a last name.) is going to be coming to give a clinic at the barn. Since I’m not riding yet, I would only be in the horsemanship part. I’m rather excited about the prospect, and the cost isn’t totally prohibitive, though it isn’t a nominal amount either. Plus even if I’m not in everything, I can still sit and watch. I’m learning tons around the barn just by doing this, so I’m actually still excited to just watch as well. I wonder if she’d let me tape it. I guess I could always ask. Worst thing, she just says no.

I also finally got my camera to the barn. Got some pictures of the horses who get turned out every day. It was a beautiful day, so I hope they turned out. I’ll see if I feel like posting them later.