I Lost the Entirety of March

I looked away for a moment and suddenly it’s a month later. Though looking back at my last entry, today is April 4th and just today I put the finishing touches on my list of things that needed to be fixed/written, so I followed my plan perfectly even though I had forgotten what it was. I have also gone through and pulled out the items that I think are maroon problems. Maroon problems are the most base problems, dealing with issues that span the book, like not foreshadowing early enough or not taking steps toward a pay-off.

They are the hardest to deal with for that reason, because they touch so much, but also the most important to hammer into shape. I also put in action steps for each one but at this point I have no idea how long each of them will take. I’d like to think less than a month but there are 24 of them and I’m not confidant I can knock out one a day. I mean some of them may be easy enough to. Uhhh, okay, let’s aim to get one done a day and check back on April 18th. I can even pick and choose which ones I think will be the easiest.