Move over M’uru

It always feels good to down new bosses, even with some of the pride taken away by the fact that the bosses lost 30% of their health and we gained 51 point talents. (It’s Bacon!) Still it was great to be able to take a few two-three week learning curves and toss them on their butts. M’uru is a fun and easy fight, made even funner by only having to spend a night and a half to learn him.

Our only issues involved bad timing in ending phase 1, and some positioning problems in phase 2. On our kill the first was a non-issue. We managed to down him seconds before the adds were finished off and in time such that no more adds spawned.

With M’uru behind us we headed down to the Sunwell. We got in several solid attempts as we worked with the dragons and making up macros to switch among dps targets. I see no problem with assuming we’ll get him down before the expansion.