My Writing

So after Nanowrimo, I’ve really been trying to clean up how I write. Trying to put some sort of order to it (I love order) so that I can once again get that feeling of accomplishment as I had after winning Nanowrimo. To do that, I feel like I want to get some of my more ‘complete’ stories, ie, ones with a semblence of an actual ending, to a posting quality. Not publish quality, but a point at which I’m perfectly happy to have people read.

In order to do this, I first must have the rough draft, which I do for the stories I’m looking at. That would be the first draft. The second draft, which I’m planning on starting soon is where I add in the scenes and ideas that got left out of the first draft, such that everything I want to be in the story is then there, even if it’s ugly. The stage after that will be grammar, spelling, and tweaking everything to the best I can make it. After that, the fourth draft which I hope to reach one day will be when I post the story and look for feedback on the story and any mistakes that manage to still be in the story after the first three drafts.

But if Nanowrimo has taught me anything, it’s that I need a deadline to get anything done. As such the story I have picked is Shifting Winds and I will have the second draft done by the end of January. That’s my deadline and I will hold myself to it.

The only problem I see with this is that the ending is weak. I know it is, and so I have to figure out how I can fix that, but I have other scenes to add and stuff to change while I think about it. It should be good.