Now pregnant?

So usually when trying to get a mare pregnant, you check to see they’ve ovulated after you put in the sperm. With Nezi, the follicle we were planning on breeding on ovulated before the sperm arrived, but on the 14 day check, the vets found something that appeared to be a baby. They believe that the follicle that had only been a 28 ovulated a day or two later, and there was apparently still a swimmer around to fertilize it.
The vets then came back the next day saying that it was a baby, but that the CL was not as bright as they like, so Nezi will be on Regimate for a month so she doesn’t lose the baby due to a lack of hormones. And of course, Nezi hates to be given medicine, but hopefully my baby stays in there. I told her to keep it if it’s a colored filly, so hopefully she listened.