
So on Friday we went to get a load of hay in the late morning, after I had finished chores. I tweaked my trapezious (sp?) the muscle that lays across the top of the shoulder and goes up the side of the neck. It’s a big one (the muscle), and among other things is fabulous at giving headaches. I was able to rest it over the weekend and really didn’t notice it at all on Monday morning until I was pushing a wheelbarrow with no air in the tire (not going to explain that one) and the strain re-injured it.

I made it through the rest of the day with little problem. Even putting on blankets didn’t bother me the way it had on Friday. But this morning I woke up with it already in pain. I was only barely able to brush my hair and I had to get my husband to put my hair up into a ponytail for me. And right now I’m sitting here typeing, which allows my arms to be nice and low, and it’s still throbbing in my ear.

I’m hoping I’ll still be able to run as yesterday was my first day at the full 30 minutes! If not I’ll do what I can do.

I also came to an interesting conclusion about myself after reading the “If Life is a Game, these are the Rules” book that Deb gave me. I won’t detail it here, as I want to talk to Morgan and Deb about it in yoga today. Then maybe I’ll put in my thoughts.