Revision Update: Plot and Story 2

So this week was a little weak. I did a lot of work over the weekend, almost five hours, but I didn’t make as much progress as I would have liked. *Then* some personal stuff came up and I ended up not doing much of anything the rest of the week.

In addition to that I’ve been struggling with my inner critic saying: ‘Do you actually think this is good enough to be published one day?’ I would like to think what I write will be good enough to publish some day, and yet it’s hard to convince myself of that.

At the same time, I refuse to let myself give up. I love this story AND I have a wonderful goal waiting for me at the end of this revision and I am not about to let that get away. I feel crappy for having ‘wasted’ a week, but I’m not going to stress myself out by trying to get two weeks worth of revising done in one week. I’ll just push forward again.