Revolving Door?

I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. Perhaps I’m spoiled by the fact that I’ve been in OOB for my entire WoW career. Maybe I’m just spoiled in general, but once again I’m back in OOB, because I just couldn’t leave. Every now and then things just get back, and I’m convinced that things will be better elsewhere. And maybe raiding wise they would be. And I really, I kinda wanted to know that. I do want to know how other guilds run things. I want to know how things work when you don’t have an overpowered tank or a group of unbeatable healers (when we can get them all in the same raid at the same time that is.)

But at the same time, this guild is just too closely knit. Even as much as I hate people sometimes for not keeping themselves alive, or not keeping the tank alive, or not doing enough dps fast enough, there probably won’t ever be another guild I call home.

And that’s why people saying we won’t get to Kil’jaeden is just silly. Now we might run out of time, but I figure if LK doesn’t come out until after Christmas (like I’m assuming) we’ll probably make it. Barring unforseen…crap…like the Internet explodes.

I am a little sad. Kael’thas is limping along as always, but our choice of new initiates is poor to say the least. No one is going to come in with the gear we’d like to see. Which means more time wasted gearing people up.

Who knows how it’ll go. I’m conflicted, but I’m still here. And then soon I won’t be an officer anymore, so it won’t matter.