Where I Write

Writing for me happens almost exclusively on electronic devices now. I used to have a little notebook in my back pocket, but transcribing was a beast, especially if I was writing out an entire scene. That was before I got my new phone and the Scrivener app which I simply love. It comes in such handy when I’m at work because I can quickly jot down ideas/scenes and then just transfer it over when I get home. But where I write depends on what I am doing at the time.

New prose is done either on my phone (when I’m out of the house) or my netbook, which I take into the basement. I tend to get distracted very easily when I’m writing new prose, so I have to remove myself from the Internet and my laptop where there are tons of great distractions. I also need it to be quiet with as little outside stimuli as possible. This is why I go to the basement, just to completely avoid my husband who works from home, and the cats, who like to demand attention.

Revising takes place on my laptop, which is hooked up to a large monitor so my screen is larger and I can see more words at once. I am a lot less likely to get distracted when revising. Plus, with my style of writing there is a ton of moving files and words around so a mouse is necessary. I have been known to revise pretty effectively even in busy, public places. I guess once the words are down, they stay in my head better.