Writer Swag

Writer Swag is not really something I’ve given a lot of thought to. In fact I had sort of ignored the concept until I went to the Roanoke Author Invasion this past weekend. I really paid attention to what people had on their tables and what it did, or didn’t do, to draw me in.

First of all are the books themselves. You’re going to have an opinion about the cover first and foremost. Some covers drew me in, others did not. Same with the large banners behind the tables.

Some tables had free swag like candy, bookmarks, and fliers. The pieces that I liked the most were the free swag that had a description of the book on it. There were several books in which I was in interested that I didn’t pick up while I was there, and with a description I will remember what I liked about it more easily in case I decide to go back.

Another thing I found interesting were the tables that also had other bits of the writer’s hobby displayed for sale, like jewelry or things like that, which I thought was also interesting because it can be another talking point.

Then there are the authors themselves, they were bright and friendly. That isn’t exactly swag, but it is an important part of drawing people to your books.