Yay Weekend

I know I’m not really supposed to say I’m tired, because when you say that you make that true, but in this case, my body really is dragging. The positive spin, however, is that I know it is so tired because I’ve been doing the work and I’m going to be better for it. That does not keep me from wanting to just surrender myself to my bed for another few hours.

Over the weekend, the plan is stillness and my groin exercise, along with doing yoga on Saturday morning with my hubby. I am not going to run, as to let my body catch up with everything I’ve thrown in it’s face.

I’m feeling apprehensive about my stillness right now. It’s just hard to be still for that long. Last night I was feeling so worn out that I just wanted to get through it and go to bed. I managed to have one moment of…something that felt really good? I dunno what it was or how to describe it. But it was the first time I opened my eyes twice before the five minutes was up. Then this morning, I know I’m alone in the barn, and while I have been feeling much better about that, I know it’s going to be difficult when my body is already feeling run down, and I won’t have any other energy around me.

Breakfast was my Honey Nut Cheerios. Lunch was a sandwich and a peach Greek yogurt (Not sure how I feel about the taste yet) and a handful of oyster crackers. I had a cutie and one of my granola bars before going home. Dinner was a salad with some pieces of turkey a little cheese and probably more ranch dressing than I should have put. I also had two more cuties.

I want to write more about some of the other people who went through the clinic (without names) and their reactions, but I need to leave in order to have enough time to run/walk this morning before chores. Go Laura! Do the work!