Feeling good

Five minutes of stillness before bed along with the back warm-up.

In the morning I got to the barn early enough to do my run/walk. 15 minutes still. Then I did my stillness in the lounge after cooling down from my run/walk.

Had yoga with Morgan and Deb. We actually started with some stillness. A little more can never hurt. Did back warm-up and Sun Salutation. I feel like I’m not getting any improvement in my forward bend, so I might have to push myself a bit harder. Morgan says it’s okay for your mind to say things during stillness as long as it’s directed at what you want, like breathing in and out. I was a little unsure about that bit.

Deb also told me about an exercise effort scale and how you should work up to working really hard over the course of your exercise. Also that I should at least walk briskly for the whole 30 minutes even if I can’t run it yet. I’ve been pushing myself really hard cause that’s just how I do things. If I’m not trying my hardest, then I feel like it’s wasted effort, in exercising anyway.

Breakfast was Honey Nut Cheeroies. Lunch was peanut butter and honey sandwich, four pieces of dried pineapple, handful of oyster crackers and flavored water. Dinner is pot roast (no bigger than a deck of cards) and white rice. Might snack on the leftovers if I get hungry later tonight.