
Last night I did my five minutes of stillness before going to bed early to catch up on some of the sleep I’ve missed over the weekend. I am a huge fan of my full 8 hours.

So I got up in the morning and mostly convinced myself I was happy to be up starting a new day. Breakfast of Honey Nut Cheerios. Realized I wouldn’t have enough time to run in the morning, so I did my five minutes of stillness. Sometimes I don’t even realize when my mind is running away with me. Kinda weird. Then I did my 50 sit ups, in two blocks of 25. I about died. Or it felt like it anyway. I did my surrendering to the floor (since I didn’t have a mat) afterwards which felt really nice.

Lunch was a peanut butter and honey sandwich, with just about a tablespoon of each on by bread, four pieces of dried pineapple, and a handful of oyster crackers. Along with flavored water.
After lunch and I had finished my chores I went in the lounge with my yoga mat and did my back warm-up, and the groin stretch Morgan taught us. Not sure I’m doing it right, I’ll have to ask tomorrow in yoga.

Then I went out to do my 30 minutes of alternating running and walking every minute. About four minutes in Morgan came and joined me which was nice for the support. She also said I should probably stick to 15 minutes for three days, then up by five minutes every three days until I get to 30. By the end I realized why.

I used to run in track in middle and high school. I also played soccer for several years. And so I could always just run. I guess it’s just been too long since I’ve tried. I can’t just run anymore, in fact it was rather rough. The walk breaks really help, and I know I’ll get better. Also I plan on running in the morning from now on, with better time planning, so it won’t be quite so hot.
Dinner was some…pizza thing my husband made, cheese and egg and pepperoni, and three little pieces of garlic bread. Drink was more flavored water.

I am feeling hungry now (around 8:15pm), so I might have a few pieces of celery that are sitting in the fridge with just a little peanut butter.