
So last night after my PB&J, I think I still felt hungry, but not enough to bother me. I went to bed and spent 5 minutes sitting in stillness in my room. I was a little curious about how I was going to time 5 minutes without thinking about how long it had been. I did some focusing on specific points of my body, but eventually shifted to the gate in order to keep my mind quiet. I did it in my head, since my husband was in the next room and I didn’t want to disturb him. I don’t know if that’s ‘legal’, but it worked for me, so I figure it’s okay. Oddly enough, I ended up opening my eyes after exactly five minutes.

In the morning I didn’t remember about sitting in stillness until it was time to go to the barn. But I did it anyway. I had a harder time staying focused, I think because the cats were around my feet and I knew I was late for getting to the barn. However, I managed to open my eyes after seven minutes. Time doesn’t seem to stretch on as much as I thought it would. I also tried to do my 50 situps, which I miss-remembered as 30. By the time I got to 20 my stomach was rather dead. I didn’t get all the way to 50.

Today I had a bowl of cereal (Honey Nut Cheerios), four slices of pizza (two for lunch, and two for dinner), two spinakapedas (1 lunch, 1 dinner), two things of potato chips (1 lunch, 1 dinner) and salad split between lunch and dinner. Oh, also three cuties eaten over the course of the day. I drank only water and a Fuze. Husband is so sweet and asking what foods he should start avoiding when he cooks. 🙂